Attention - Important info - Lilydale Airport Operations
As the COVID-19 Coronavirus situation continues to unfold, the well-being of all staff, students, customers and our community is at the forefront of our minds. As such, as of COB this afternoon (Tues 24th March) the Lilydale Flying School will cease Dual Flying training apart from some limited flight testing. Solo Flying and Private Hiring will continue as normal and instructors will be on hand to assist and supervise with ninety day check flights.
Lilydale Airport (and Lilydale Flying School and Yarra Valley Aviation) will be continuing its other operations 7 days per week including Charter flights, Fuel Sales and Aircraft Maintenance. This all means you will still be able to take to the air!
We also encourage you to stay in touch via phone, email and online means below and even visit the airport while responsibly following the latest guidelines on distancing, hygiene management - eg. avoid entering the building unless absolutely necessary. We are lucky to have the fresh air space and green grass to spread out while still maintaining 50m (or even 100m!) distance from the nearest person!
We are fully committed to continuing your progress and will be rolling out exciting practices to keep your development on track so that you are ready to get back behind the controls as soon as restrictions lift. We will be offering remote learning support in a number of formats - an engaging online presence, regular updates, personalised 1:1 communication with instructors and dedicated phone, email and chat services to answer your questions and assist. You will not be on your own!
If you are ready to take a CASA cyber exam or are getting close to a flight test, please notify us immediately at We will organise a time for you to attend and sit your exam with the appropriate supervision, whilst taking the necessary precautions. Flight testing will also be possible for the foreseeable future.
To ensure you and other relevant parties receive all of our updates as they are released, please follow our Facebook pages and make sure you are signed up to our newsletter. To do this, visit our website, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email address, then make sure you've verified it from your inbox.
We believe that it is our civil duty to ensure that we take these stringent measures immediately to reduce the impact that COVID-19 has on our health, our economy and our country. By taking pro-active action NOW you will help everyone return safely to ‘business as usual’ as soon as possible.
We wish you the best of luck and look forward to working alongside you and the rest of our community during this difficult time.